Patent Analysis

Clients may choose a patent analysis service in addition to the patent search to significantly facilitate drafting of the literature review chapter of their research report.
Are you writing a thesis or a research proposal? Do you need up to date technical information to guide your research? This search is helpful in understanding how others have overcome a particular technical problem, as well as indicating avenues that could be advanced on, and those that may be dead-ends. Thus, helping to avoid the problem of wasting funds on research (e.g. reinventing the wheel), allowing research to be applied in those areas that could prove most productive. Researchers can use patent information in their review of literature for a much more current appreciation of the field of study.
We carry out an in-depth and high intelligence analysis under this service to determine trends in a particular field of interest.
As a form of Corporate Social Responsibility, the services being offered under this project have been hugely discounted to attract Ghanaian researchers, inventors and SMEs.